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Quel est le meilleur sèche-mains professionnel du marché en 2023 ?
The updated 'Best Commercial Hand Dryers in 2025 list' has been compiled based on a scoring criteria for speed, energy-efficiency, quiet operation. vandal resistance. life expectancy and overall value. The...
Quel est le meilleur distributeur de savon commercial en 2023 ?
Les distributeurs de savon, notamment ceux qui permettent d'utiliser du gel hydroalcoolique, sont un ajout très populaire dans une installation. Non seulement les toilettes, mais aussi les stations temporaires de...
A guide to the Bobrick B-3725
The Bobrick B-3725 is part of the TrimLine series. It is a recessed hand dryer, which has anti-vandalism protection, a brushed satin finish and a long guarantee of 5 years....
Are Eco Hand Dryers Better for the Environment?
Given the name of the product, it would be easy to assume that eco hand dryers are the greener option for any business. However, we know what they say about...