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How to change a Bobrick toilet paper roll

How to change a Bobrick toilet paper roll

You’ve recently bought a Bobrick toilet roll dispenser – fantastic news! You’ve made a great choice. But it’s time to fill it up, or change the toilet rolls found inside for the first time. This post explains how to change the toilet roll in a Bobrick dispenser in no time, keeping your facilities running smoothly.

How to open the Bobrick B-2890

This stylish toilet roll holder with a brushed satin finish has a capacity to accommodate 40mm, 55mm or 75mm diameter core rolls is fantastic for high-traffic environments where security is paramount. This toilet-roll holder features a key-lock to keep it closed and secure. 

To open the B-2890 you simply need to insert the key rotate it clockwise 90 degrees, and then swing the unit down. Once you have replaced the roll, swing the unit back up and lock it by turning the key anti-clockwise 90 degrees.

View the technical data sheet here

How to open the Bobrick B-4288

With a two-roll capacity, the Bobrick B-4288 can hold as many as 3600 sheets of toilet paper. Designed with maximum security in mind, it has theft resistant spindles and a key-lockable cabinet door. 

To open the Bobrick B-4288 you just need to unlock the unit with the key provided. You then have easy access to the empty rolls so they can be removed and replaced with fresh rolls. Once that’s done simply lock the unit back up to secure it again.

View the technical data sheet here

How to open the Bobrick B-2721

Suitable for either single or double fold toilet paper, this toilet roll dispenser is designed for high-traffic environments. This unit is vandal resistant, made with steel and featuring a brushed satin finish.

To unlock the Bobrick B-2721 use the key supplied to open the tumbler lock at the top of the unit. Once this is open you should be able to fill the empty slot, or simply top up if it’s running low. You can then lock the unit back up and it’s good to go. 

View the technical data sheet here

If you ever encounter difficulty when trying to access your Bobrick toilet roll dispenser you can always call one of our experts here at Intelligent. We are preferred Bobrick UK suppliers, and we’d love to chat, call us on 0114 3540047 or contact us here


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