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Bobrick Mirrors

Mirrors are a vital feature for any washroom, and Bobrick carry some of the best models available. They have a diverse range, from simple mirrors with welded frames for security, to LED backlit mirrors for brightness and clarity. They even do a polished stainless-steel mirror which is ‘unbreakable’ and perfect for areas of high vandalism. 

To suit this diverse range, they are available in a wide range of sizes and with tilts. We also have medicine cabinets available, for those seeking additional storage. Our product experts are always on hand to help you find the perfect mirror for your situation. Feel free to call us on 0114 349 8026 or contact us here.  

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Mirrors are a vital feature for any washroom, and Bobrick carry some of the best models available. They have a diverse range, from simple mirrors with welded frames for security, to LED backlit mirrors for brightness and clarity. They even do a polished stainless-steel mirror which is ‘unbreakable’ and perfect for areas of high vandalism. 

To suit this diverse range, they are available in a wide range of sizes and with tilts. We also have medicine cabinets available, for those seeking additional storage. Our product experts are always on hand to help you find the perfect mirror for your situation. Feel free to call us on 0114 349 8026 or contact us here.  

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