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Carbon Neutral Hand Dryers

The World's First Carbon Neutral Hand Dryers

Together with ClimatePartner, Dryflow have measured the carbon emissions that occur during the manufacture through raw materials, packaging, logistics and disposal: this is known as the Product Carbon Footprint. They have then, where possible, avoided and reduced their CO2 emissions. They've also offset all unavoidable CO2 emissions with climate-friendly alternatives. As a result of this, the selected products are certified carbon neutral.

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The World's First Carbon Neutral Hand Dryers

Together with ClimatePartner, Dryflow have measured the carbon emissions that occur during the manufacture through raw materials, packaging, logistics and disposal: this is known as the Product Carbon Footprint. They have then, where possible, avoided and reduced their CO2 emissions. They've also offset all unavoidable CO2 emissions with climate-friendly alternatives. As a result of this, the selected products are certified carbon neutral.

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