Call for expert advice: 0044 114 3540047 or 044 203 3270448

The trusted independent experts for hand dryers and washrooms since 2012

Some of the world’s most renowned companies and institutions rely on Bobrick solutions to reinforce their brand, reduce long-term operating costs and position their organisations for a successful future.

Think Bobrick for Great Washroom Design

Speciality products that deliver high-end, coordinated aesthetics, improved operating costs, hygiene, compliance and sustainability.

About Bobrick

Since 1906, Bobrick has been building value for building owners and delivering solutions to the design professionals who work with them. They are headquartered in North Hollywood, CA, with seven manufacturing divisions across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

Washroom Project?

Mustapha Aldalou

Speak to the expert to get exactly what you need.

Direct line: 0114 349 8026

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